My wife has some really unusual dreams, so we both decided to make this blog to keep track of and share them with anyone interested.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Maze Running

Photo by Matt Smith


The Dream:

I watched a crowd of people running down a hill. I was running down the hill on the opposite side, into a valley where we would meet up and choose a partner.

I saw an annoying girl from my highschool, who came over to me and said “Let's be partners!”

I said “I don't like you, so no.”

She got really sad and started crying, so then, because her crying was annoying, I said we could be.

I went to the entrance of the maze, and ran in. I had to be really fast, because this was a contest of who could collect the most treasure in a limited time. I wanted to win – not for the treasure, but for the victory! Yay! Victory!

I zoomed over to the first thing I saw, an item spot. In each spot, you could get one item that would help you collect more treasure. Most people choose the partner communicator on the first item spot, so they can coordinate with their partner. Since I didn't like my partner I decided to ignore her and just grab as much treasure as I could so we might win. So, I chose the treasure map instead. It didn't show the maze, but it showed dots where there was treasure, and a dot where I was, so I could see if some was nearby.

As I looked at the map, I noticed that there was some treasure right behind me! I turned around and ran back to the entrance of the maze to grab it.

On the side, hidden under some rocks, were some silver coins. I swept them all into a pile, and then lay on my stomach to reach back under the furthest-away rocks to collect the last pieces of silver before I would put them all in my plastic bag (to carry them).

Unfortunately, while I was distracted reaching under some rocks and not looking at my silver pile, a sneaky guy stole my silver pile, shoveled it into his plastic bag, and ran off with it!

I chased after him as fast as I could through the maze until I saw the first item spot up ahead and realised I'd just wasted all that time for nothing. I couldn't take the silver from him anyway because he'd already put it in his bag.

I ran back to the entrance of the maze to collect the treasure I knew was there, and this time, I put it all in my plastic bag straight away. Unfortunately it wasn't as valuable as the silver had been, because this treasure was all made of plastic.

I ran into the maze to find more before the time ran out.

Then I guess the time ran out, because I woke up.

The Reaction:

I was sleeping and all of a sudden I hear some rustling in the distance... Then the rustling got louder and I woke up, laying there in the darkness at 4am I was paying attention to any more rustling noises and indeed they happened after a couple of seconds. I turn around and realized that my wife was running in her sleep, the rustling noises was her legs running under the blankets, and how fast she must be going, thinking she was having a nightmare or something and she was running for her life I woke her up, after she was half awake she told me that she had to be fast to get all the treasure and that it wasn't a nightmare...

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